
About Ambocampers

How did this all start?

Hi, I'm Ian and among many things I am the founder and admin of the Ambulance Camper Conversion group on Facebook.

Back in 2019 when I first bought my Ambulance and started converting it to a camper there weren't a lot of online resources to help. The VanLife section at Expedition Portal had been the centre of where most of the knowledge sharing about ambulances happened but, there weren't many active users and the site was buggy and it seemed likely it wouldn't be around long. So I started the Facebook group. At the time I thought it would be cool if even a couple hundred other weirdos joined to discuss and share. Well, 4 years later and as of July we've got 8500 members with over 6000 visiting every week.

As great as the community is, a key frustration is that at least 50% of the posts are the same questions over and over again. This website is host the resources and information that is most asked for and to feature some of the awesome builds our members have made.

Wanna get in touch?

Best to reach us via our social links.